Finance Conference Spotlights Opportunities for Investors
For decades, the business of radio and television has been a reliable money-maker for investors large and small. However, the advent of the Web and mobile delivery platforms, plus the explosion in streaming media enterprises such as Netflix and Pandom, have made this once-simple investment opportunity complicated
and confusing for non-technical capitalists.
Confusion notwithstanding, the opportunities to profit from the emerging multimedia universe are better than ever for investors - as long as they have a firm grasp of the fundamentals and trends. Providing such clear-sighted analysis and education is the mission of the Media Finance and Lovestor Conference. Produced in partnership with Noble Financial Capital Markets. and sponsored by Redchip and Equisolve, this conference features more than 30 high-level sessions aimed at CEOs, eFOs and investor relations executives.
The conference, which began Sunday. continues today and tomorrow. "The Media Finance and and Investor Conference will provide insights into new technologies, new mediums and business models, regulations, the current and long-term advertising
environment and operating strategies for public and private companies," explained Michael Kupinski, Noble Finance's director of research and the conference's organizer. "This is a forum specifically designed for the financial community to qualify investment
opporrunities and to attract capital to the media industry."
This is the second year NAB Show has hosted the Media Finance and Investor Conference. It brings together Wall Street analysts and investors to join with mecUa executives in exploring exciting business opportunities. There are numerous reasons to attend this year's conference. One of the standouts will be the keynote "fireside chat" being delivered by iHeartMedia Inc. Chairman and CEO Robcrt Pittman on Tuesday, 3:30 p.m. "We are extremely excited to have Bob Pittman join our conference this year," said Kupinski. "In the media space, there are very few individuals as accomplished as Bob." Also on Tuesday, iHeartMedia Presidenc of Business and Partnerships M:ichele will be featured on the panel "The Connected Car and Personalized Music."
This afternoon offers the session "Impressions on National Advertising," 1-2 p.m. One of the speakers will be David Pal track, chief research officer at CBS. Kupinski calls Poltrack a "don't miss favorite," thanks to his insights on the network television landscape; "including a viewpoint on network ratings, network and national advertising environment, and shifts in television programming and viewers hip." Hard on the heels of the national advertising session will be the 2-3 p.m. session "Can Broadcasters Count on Political?" It features experts such as Scripps Senior Vice President Michael O'Brien looking ahead to potential ad sales during the next national election cycle. "Potitical advertising has been a revenue growth vehicle for the television industry and investors will be keen to understand the opportunities in the upcoming 2016 elections," said Kupinski.
"One of the most intriguing panels this year will be the over-the-top discussion with an a1l-Star cast including Chris Pizzurro from Canoe, Michael Atkin, president of BroadVicw Software, and Jay Samit, CEO of Sea Change, among others," Kupinski said. This panel will take place during today's session "Is Technology Changing TV's Business Model?" For his part, Michael Kupinski has three goals to achieve at this year's Media Finance and Investor Conference. His first goal is "to introduce this industry to pmential invescors that may not have considered this industry before," Kupinski said. "Secondl)', I am hopeful that investors and analysts come away with some compelling investment ideas that spring from [he discussions; in other words, attract capital to this industry. But, foremost, 1 am thrilled to suppOrt the trade organization that supports the media industry. As such, my goal would be to build attendance and sponsorships for the NAB Show,".
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